
Help our family association preserve our history, and grow.


In order to fulfill the mission                                                                                                                

…of the Studebaker Family National Association of collecting, recording and sharing the genealogical history of our family, elaborated further here, we rely on the dues of our members as well as the generous donations of those committed to our mission.

Whether you particularly value:

  • our entertaining and informative newsletter
  • our periodic family gatherings
  • the collection, computerization and publication of our genealogical data
  • the preservation of rare and valuable old photos and documents
  • the maintenance of our Studebaker Homestead

or you have some other undertaking that you have in mind for our work, we pledge to put your contribution to excellent use to continue to nurture the history and connectedness of the Studebaker family.





Donate Online

When you click this button, you will be taken to the secure PayPal page, where you can charge a donation of any amount.

You do not have to have a PayPal account.



Donate by Check

Please make your checks payable to Studebaker Family National Association (of SFNA) and mail your donation to:

Studebaker Family National Association
6635 S. State Route 202
Tipp City, OH 45371
