The Studebaker Family National Association Obituary Index
contains 1600+ obituaries and death notices culled from the issues of The Studebaker Family quarterly. This newsletter has been published continuously by the Studebaker Family National Association since 1967.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to read the key for content and abbreviations used in the Obituary Index database, or download a pdf version of that information HERE.
SFNA Obituaries Published in the 1960s (Total = 55)
Please CLICK HERE for a two-page .pdf document containing 55 detailed entries in the Obituary Index database for the years 1967-1969. Data for the index is taken from past issues of The Studebaker Family newsletter and supplemented from other reliable sources held by the Studebaker Family National Association. Please contact the SFNA Office to inquire about obtaining a copy of the actual obituary. For a simple alphabetical listing of decedents, and year of obituary, during the years 1967-1969 see Names of Deceased below.
A – R
Kathryn Studebaker Holsinger AIRHART, 1968; Frank A. BENNETT, 1967; Agnes Fay CLICK, 1969; Cora Elizabeth DENLINGER, 1968; Merle DENLINGER, 1969; Charles EPPINGER, 1969; Viola Studebaker ESTEY, 1969; Maude Johns FAUST, 1968; Eulah Studebaker FISCHBACH, 1969; Wardie K. FLEMING, 1969; Alta Susanna (Kennedy) GLASER, 1967; Julia Studebaker (Marion) GRASSHOFF, 1967; John GUMP, 1968; Rev. John B. GUMP, 1969; Bertha M (Snell) HERSHBERGER, 1967; Margery Gump JACKSON, 1968; Samuel JAMES, 1969; Doris I. Dilley JOHNSON, 1967; Frances Snook MacVEAN, 1967; Jessie McCULLOUGH, 1969; Elzie Carl MEALS, 1967; Laura S. MEALS, 1967; Ruth Ellen (Studebaker) OGILVIE, 1967; Marie Pearson PEASE, 1969; Franklin Studebaker RILEY, 1968;
S – Z
Robert SAUSAMAN, Sr., 1968; Mary Edna SCOTT, 1968; Grace SMITH, 1969; Charles SNELL, 1968; Joseph B. SNELL, 1969; John Truman STANTURF, 1968; Pearl STONER, 1969; Albert Arthur STUDEBAKER, 1969; Betsy STUDEBAKER, 1968; Clement Earl STUDEBAKER, 1967; Clifford A. STUDEBAKER, 1968; Clifford A. STUDEBAKER, Jr., 1968; Craig Niles STUDEBAKER, 1967; Edith Shellenbarger STUDEBAKER, 1968; Ezra E. STUDEBAKER, 1967; Frederick Davis STUDEBAKER, 1968; Harvey E. STUDEBAKER, 1969; Jasper A. STUDEBAKER, 1969; Leland L. STUDEBAKER, 1969; Lydia Joy STUDEBAKER, 1969; Mary “Molly” Virginia STUDEBAKER, 1967; Molly STUDEBAKER, 1968; Nellie Teach STUDEBAKER, 1969; Noah STUDEBAKER, 1967; Paul B. STUDEBAKER, 1968; Robert O. STUDEBAKER, 1968; Byford D. STUDYBAKER, 1969; Bessie WEDDLE, 1969; Walter Studebaker WEDDLE, 1969; Mary A. Gump WILSON, 1969
SFNA Obituaries Published in the 1970s (Total = 243)
Please CLICK HERE to view a six-page .pdf document containing 243 detailed entries in the Obituary Index database for the years 1970-1979. Data for the index is taken from past issues of The Studebaker Family newsletter and supplemented from other reliable sources held by the Studebaker Family National Association. Please contact the SFNA office to inquire about obtaining a copy of the actual obituary. For a simple alphabetical listing of decedents, and year of obituary, for the decade of the 1970s see Names of Deceased below.
A – B
Martha Taylor Bowers ALLEMAN, 1979; Robert Smith ANDERSON,1976; Ruth Eleanor Studebaker ANDERSON, 1976; Frances ANDREWS, 1979; Isaac ANDREWS, 1971; Daniel Lee “Red” ANGUS, 1978; Eliza ARCHEY, 1972; Clarence E. BAILEY, 1978; Millard BAKER, 1978; Doris Gump BALLARD, 1972; Thomas Frank BATTIN, 1977; Charles Kenneth BEACHLER, 1978; Mary K. BEACHLER, 1977; Grace Louise Rinehart BEACHLEY, 1970; Emory D. BERKEY, 1978; Viola BLACKMAN, 1970; Pearl Studebaker BOGENREIF, 1977; Joy BOOK, 1975; Max Paul BOXELL, 1974; Dena Binkerd BRADY, 1976; Lucinda “Cindy” BROWER, 1979; Martha Studebaker BROWN, 1972; Ralph BRUMBAUGH, 1974;
C – D
Homer Junior CATES, 1978; Daniel O. COTTRELL, 1975; Pearl M. CROFT, 1973; Paul D. CUSHWA, 1974; Olive Seese CUSTER, 1977; Ronalie Gay Scharff DAVID, 1979; Harold C. DAVIS, 1977; Paul Gettle DEAM, 1977; Gale E. DENLINGER, 1978; Lloyd E. DENLINGER, 1977; Milford E. DENLINGER, 1973; Daniel E. DIAMOND, 1977; Teresa Lynn Pratt DICKERSON, 1978; George Washington DILL, 1979; Marie L. Studebaker DRAPER, 1978;
E – F
Doris E. Brown EASLEY, 1973; Lela Ruth EBY, 1978; Sharon Kay EIDEMILLER, 1977; Herschel Bert ELAM, 1977; Juanita “Nita” Studebaker ELAM, 1979; Charles R. EMERY, 1972; Harold EMICK, 1972; Mary House ERICKSON, 1976; Bert ESTEY, 1978; Sarah Murphy FARLEY, 1977; Edythe Statler FAUST, 1978; Frederick G. FISHBACK, 1971; Victor I. FRANTZ, 1979; Raymond Barrett FREEMAN, 1974; Robert Benjamin FREEMAN, 1978; Roy W. FREEMAN, 1978; Mrs. Roy FRIEND, 1972; Paul E. FRIERMOOD, 1975; Evelyn Catherine Carpenter FRYE, 1976;
G – H
Rolland GERARD, 1977; Dorothy GISH, 1971; Harvey E. GOOD, 1977; Herbert Emerson GOOD, 1975; Alice Maude Studebaker GOWAN, 1977; Deborah GRAHAM, 1978; Harold V. GRAHAM, 1978; Julia GRAHAM, 1978; Ralph Larrabee GRAY, 1979; Robert Homer GRIFFIETH, 1978; Mary E. GUMP, 1974; Audrey Anderson HALDEMAN, 1970; John Case HARLESS, 1974; Richard William HAUGHTON, 1978; William Richard “Richie” HAUGHTON, 1978; George HAWKINS, 1970; Paul HECKMAN, 1973; Mary Alice HEISE, 1975; Olive HILDEBRAND, 1973; Lois HINDMAN, 1978; Richard W. HINDMAN, 1972; Mary May (Studebaker) HINSHAW, 1977; Anthony S. HINTZ, 1976; Roy M. HOBBS, 1978; Paul G. HOFFMAN, 1975; Roland HOOVER, 1971; Bonetta G. HOWELLS, 1978; W. O. HUGHES, 1971; H. Eugene HUNT, 1971;
K – L
Marianna KARNS, 1979; Sara Alice KERR, 1972; Mary Studebaker KLINE, 1972; Wilma Lois Studebaker KREPS, 1977; Velma Studebaker KUEHNER, 1973; Harry D. LAPP, 1978; J. Paul LAWTHER, 1979; J. LIGON, 1977; Joseph Grady LIGON, 1977; Anita Wise LYNCH, 1979;
Jean Marie MAUDLIN, 1977; DeWitt McCLOSKEY, 1978; Minta McCRACKEN, 1974; Earl H. MEALS, 1974; Mazie McLaughlin MEALS, 1971; Mazie MEALS, 1971; William D. MEALS, 1971; Kenneth E. MICHAEL, 1975; Louise H. MICHENER, 1976; Edith Kellogg MILLER, 1976; Homer Gilbert MILLER, 1979; Opal Barnes MILLER, 1978; Della Brinkmeier MITCHELL, 1979; Miriam Kathryn (Studebaker) MOHLER, 1979; Rebecca Faith MOHLER, 1975; Della Ester Steiner MONTGOMERY, 1978; David Daubenspeck MOONE, 1977; Edward L. MORGAN, 1970; William McKinley MUMMERT, 1976; John MUSSELMAN, 1976; Roxie Maria Studebaker MUSSELMAN, 1979;
N – R
Harold Sterling NEHER, 1975; Rowena Lucille (Studebaker) O’HEARN, 1970; J. Milton OWENS, 1977; Frances Holsopple PARSONS, 1979; Elsie Cochran PISOR, 1979; Marcellus S. “Bud” PUTTERBAUGH, 1972; Ralph G. RARICK, Rev., 1975; H. G. RICE, 1978; Allen A. RILEY, 1970; Mildred Jessie (Chester) RITZMAN, 1975; Verna ROBINSON, 1970; Lois Pauline Cochran ROGERS, 1979;
Betty Jane SAMBRANA, 1972; Max M. SCARFF, 1978; Vernon F. SCHWALM, 1973; Ruthanne Studebaker SCORE, 1976; Gregg Alan SEESE, 1979; Sheldon Grant SEESE, 1977; Leonard W. SEIBERT, 1973; Maynard C. SENSEMAN, 1976; Charles Maynard SENSEMAN, 1976; Odilla Penrod SHAFFER, 1978; Charles Cecil SHELL, 1974; Echo SHELL, 1974; Walter C. SHELTON, 1975; Josephine Helen Studebaker SHERMAN, 1979; Lydia Marie Wirt SHERMAN, 1975; Orville SHERMAN, 1979; Gertrude M. Studebaker SHIELDS, 1976; Amy S. SHOUP, 1971; Vinton E. SILER, Dr., 1972; Agnes Price SMITH, 1971; Elsie Armettie SMITH, 1972; Howard L. SMITH, 1973; Jacob T. SNELL, 1976; Geneva G. SNIDER, 1973; Howard Richard SNYDER, 1976; Harry R. STATLER, 1971;
Dale STUDEBAKER, 1971; Ada “Musetta” STUDEBAKER, 1977; Arthur A. STUDEBAKER, 1973; Bess Houghton STUDEBAKER, 1976; Bessie E. STUDEBAKER, 1971; Betty STUDEBAKER, 1975; Bruce F. STUDEBAKER, 1972; Carrie Leah STUDEBAKER, 1971; Christopher STUDEBAKER, 1977; Claude Harold STUDEBAKER, 1976; Clement Moehler STUDEBAKER, 1970; Clement STUDEBAKER, III, 1975; Cletus Archie STUDEBAKER, 1978; Cora C. STUDEBAKER, 1977; Daniel W. STUDEBAKER, 1971; David Arthur STUDEBAKER, 1972; Debbie Lee Adams STUDEBAKER, 1978; Dorothy STUDEBAKER, 1974; Earl Browning STUDEBAKER, 1973; Elveta Shroyer STUDEBAKER, 1977; Elwyn H. STUDEBAKER, 1978; Emelia H. STUDEBAKER, 1970; Ernest Banta STUDEBAKER, 1970; Evelyn May McEwen STUDEBAKER, 1978; Frank C. STUDEBAKER, 1973; Frank Julius STUDEBAKER, 1976; George August STUDEBAKER, 1978; George W. STUDEBAKER, Col., 1976; Hallie B. Heckathorne STUDEBAKER, 1970; Harold B. “Stoody” STUDEBAKER, 1972; Harvey A. STUDEBAKER, 1975; Herbert STUDEBAKER, 1972; Hugh STUDEBAKER, 1978; Hugh Charles STUDEBAKER, 1979; Hugh STUDEBAKER, 1973;
Ira Raymond STUDEBAKER, 1972; Jesse G. STUDEBAKER, 1974; Jessie M. Gilfillan STUDEBAKER, 1979; John Everett STUDEBAKER, 1976; Julia Nelson STUDEBAKER, 1975; LeRoy Melvin STUDEBAKER, 1978; Lula A. STUDEBAKER, 1977; Margaret Martin STUDEBAKER, 1976; Martin Francis STUDEBAKER, 1977; Marvin C. STUDEBAKER, 1974; Mary Artz STUDEBAKER, 1976; Myron S. STUDEBAKER, 1970; Nellie May STUDEBAKER, 1972; Norma Martin STUDEBAKER, 1978; O. H. “Red” STUDEBAKER, 1973; Ollie Meredith STUDEBAKER, 1975; Orange N. STUDEBAKER, 1974; Orpha W. STUDEBAKER, 1971; Paul S. STUDEBAKER, 1974; Pearl R. STUDEBAKER, 1970; Phil S. STUDEBAKER, 1979; Ralph E. STUDEBAKER, 1976; Robert Clement STUDEBAKER, 1979; Robert Roy STUDEBAKER, 1979; Roscoe L. STUDEBAKER, 1971; Samuel Shoup STUDEBAKER, 1978; Ted STUDEBAKER, 1971; Terry A. STUDEBAKER, 1976; Theodora M. Barr STUDEBAKER, 1977; Virgil L. STUDEBAKER, 1977; Warren STUDEBAKER, 1971; William B. STUDEBAKER, 1973; William Johnson STUDEBAKER, 1979; William O. STUDEBAKER, 1974; Aaron D. STUDYBAKER, 1976; Arthur W. STUDYBAKER, 1976;
T – Z
Nancy Helen VANIMAN, 1972; Louring W. VORE, 1971; Gideon WATKINS, 1977; Florence P. WEAVER, 1978; Charles Mark WEDDLE, 1976; Charles Wesley WEIRBACH, 1973; James Stanley WEIRBACH, 1976; Carroll H. “Bus” WESTFALL, 1976; Carrie WILGUS, 1971; Ella N. WILHELM, 1976; Grace A. Studebaker WILSON, 1970; James Campbell WILSON, 1973; Laura Mae Studebaker WINBOLT, 1978; Zora Raymond WINTERS, 1979; Harvey E. WITWER, Jr., 1978; Hattie Viola Heeter WORKMAN, 1977; Gladys Marie ZEIGLER, 1974
SFNA Obituaries Published in the 1980s (Total = 443)
Please CLICK HERE to view a twenty-page .pdf document containing 443 detailed entries in the Obituary Index database for the years 1980-1989. Data for the index is taken from past issues of The Studebaker Family newsletter and supplemented from other reliable sources held by the Studebaker Family National Association. Please contact the SFNA office to inquire about obtaining a copy of the actual obituary.
SFNA Obituaries Published in the 1990s (Total = 473)
Please CLICK HERE to view a twenty-page .pdf document containing 473 detailed entries in the Obituary Index database for the years 1990-1999. Data for the index is taken from past issues of The Studebaker Family newsletter and supplemented from other reliable sources held by the Studebaker Family National Association. Please contact the SFNA office to inquire about obtaining a copy of the actual obituary.
SFNA Obituaries Published in the 2000s
Please CLICK HERE to view a twelve-page .pdf document with detailed entries in the Obituary Index database for the years 2000-2009. Data for the index is taken from past issues of The Studebaker Family newsletter and supplemented from other reliable sources held by the Studebaker Family National Association. Please contact the SFNA office to inquire about obtaining a copy of the actual obituary.
All information pertinent to design of the Obituary Index was extracted from the decedent’s obituary exactly as published. However, many of the entries have been supplemented with data from other reliable sources–especially the three-volume Studebaker Family in America published by the Studebaker Family National Association, 1976, 1986, 1996 — in an effort to provide the pertinent ancestral LINE, the AGE and LOCALITY for every decedent included in the Index. All supplemental data is enclosed in square brackets, i.e., [ ]. Note, too, that the deceased may be the descendant of a Studebaker immigrant ancestor or he/she may have been related to the descendant by marriage, etc.
LINE – Direct descendants of the Studebaker immigrants of 1736: P = Peter line; C = Clement line;
H = Heinrich line; A = Studebaker-Long branch; U = relationship unknown or uncertain; X = not related.
DECEASED – Full name of the decedent as given in the obituary in the customary order, i.e., first name, middle name(s) or initial(s), surname. May also include a “nickname”, a woman’s (maiden) surname, and/or other married names of women.
AGE – Decedent’s age at death extracted from the obituary. If not included in the obituary, age has been calculated from given birth and death dates. If one or both dates are not provided in the obituary, other reliable sources have been consulted to determine age at death.
LOCALITY (LOC) – Locality refers to the primary residence(s) of the deceased extracted from the obituary or obtained from other reliable sources. Use of two-letter state abbreviations if U.S.; only country if outside the U.S, e.g., CAN = Canada, GER = Germany.
SPOUSE – Given name(s) only of the decedent’s husband or wife extracted from the obituary. May be supplemented with data from other reliable sources.
PARENTS – Given name(s) only of either or both parents of the deceased extracted from the obituary. May be supplemented with data from other reliable sources.
OTHER SURNAMES – Surnames (only) of ALL individuals mentioned in the obituary, other than the deceased.
YEAR (YR) – Pertinent year of publication of The Studebaker Family newsletter containing the obituary. Usually equates to the year of death.
QUARTER (QTR) – Specific issue (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) containing the obituary.
PAGE (PG) – Exact page number(s) containing the obituary. The letter “p” following the page number indicates a photograph of the deceased accompanies the obituary. An asterisk ( * ) indicates the existence of more information about the deceased and/or his/her family in selected SFNA resources. Please contact the SFNA office to inquire about these “See Also” references.
Studebaker Family National Association
PO Box 196, Tipp City, OH 45371
Phone: 937-405-6539