SFNA board members Clem Neal and Sandra Studebaker co-reviewed this new (2008) book from the Studebaker National Museum (the car people). Read PDF file here.. The Errata Sheet of corrected family data referenced in the review is available here (PDF file). And for basic facts on the descendants of the South Bend Studebakers, please select the menu option John [C76] Descendants to browse the “family tree.”
Studebaker: The Complete History
SFNA board member Clement V. Neal reviewed this new (2008) book by Patrick Foster for the SFNA newsletter. Clem details a number of reasons this is an excellent resource to have in one’s book collection if looking for information on Studebaker–the cars or the company. Read the review here (PDF file).
The Studebaker Family in America
The first volume of our genealogy was reviewed by the esteemed genealogist Milton Rubicam, now deceased, and published in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly in 1980. We thought others, today, might be interested in reading Rubicam’s review of our publication. Read it here (PDF file).